A Review of Leadership Theory and Competency Frameworks
A Review of Leadership Theory and Competency Frameworks. Edited version of a report for Chase Consulting and the Management Standards Centre
A Taxonomy of Objectives for Professional Education
Building a competency-based curriculum: the agony and the ecstasy
Competence across Europe: highest common factor or lowest common denominator?
Competence and Competency-based Training: What the Literature Says
Competence development and career advancement in professional service firms
Competence in Caring in Legal Practice
Competence in competency-based supervision practice: Construct and application.
Competence revisited: a summary of research on lawyer competence
Competence-based approaches: a discussion of issues for professional groups
Competence-Based Assessment
Competence-Based Assessment
Competency-based medical education: implications for undergraduate programs
Competency-based medical education: theory to practice
Competency-based standards: a boon for continuing professional education?
Conducting an Imaginative Transdisciplinary Inquiry
Constructing Core Competencies: Using Competency Models to Manage Law Firm Talent
CPS National Standards for Advocacy
Creating the Managerial Portfolio: Building on Competency Approaches to Management Development
Defining and Assessing Professional Competence
Defining Generic Professional Competencies in Australia: Towards a Framework for Professional Development
Developing outcome measures for the assessment of quality and competence of firms involved in legal aid work
Developing the Capable Practitioner. Professional capability through higher education
Early detection and evaluation of professionalism deficiencies in medical students: one school''s approach
Education beyond competencies: a participative approach to professional development
Education for Capability: a Professional Model for Practical Legal Education
Education, Competence and the Control of Expertise
Firming up the framework: Untangling the Web of Confusion over Competency Development in Entry Level lawyers
General Isssues about Assessment of Competence
Knowledge creation and knowledge use in professioal contexts
Knowledge management model: practical application for competency development
Lawyer Specialization–Managing the Professional Paradox
Learning by association: Professional associations as learning agents
Legal Education, Legal Competence and Little Bo Peep
Legal Sector Advice Toolkit
Linking competency development to career success: exploring the mediating role of employability
Monkey see, monkey do: a critique of the competency model in graduate medical education
National competency standards: are they the answer for legal education and training?
National Occupational Standards for legal advice
Preparation for the Practice of law—the Views of the Practicing Bar
Professional Capabilities Framework
Professional Competence Evaluation
Proposed Revised International Education Standard IES 6, Assessment of Professional Competence
QC competency framework
Qualified Lawyer Transfer Scheme (QLTS): client-centred assessment of qualified lawyers
Reconsidering the dimensions of expertise: from linear stages towards dual processing
Setting objectives and assessing competence in professional legal education
Setting Standards in a Professional Higher Education Course: Defining the Concept of the Minimally Competent Student in Performance-Based Assessment at the Level of Graduation from Medical School
Sharpening the mind or narrowing it? The limitations of outcome and performance measures in legal education
Skills for Legal Functions, Books 1, 2 and 3
SRA Final Report Evaluation Work Based Learning Scheme Pilot Cohort 1 2008-2010
Survey of Law Firm Use of Core Competencies and Benchmarking in Associate Compensation and Advancement Structures
The design of a study environment for acquiring academic and professional competence
The Limits of Competence. Knowledge, Higher Education and Society
The Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme: innovative assessment methodology and practice in a high stakes professional exam
The role of assessment in competency-based medical education
Toward a definition of competency-based education in medicine: a systematic review of published definitions
Towards a Holistic Model of Professional Competence
Transforming Legal Education: Learning and Teaching the Law in the Early Twenty-first Century
Use of an aptitude test in university entrance: a validity study
Vanquishing Virtue: The Impact of Medical Education
What clients know: client perspectives and legal competence
What is Legal Competence?
What is the educational impact of standards-based assessment in a medical degree?
Why theory matters